Kopie von Kopie von PUNI - The first whisky distillery in Italy

The highland whisky of val venosta

Since 2010, in the small historic city Glurns, there is the PUNI distillery. It is the first and the only whisky distillery in Italy. The heart of the production of whisky, in val Venosta, is hidden behind a cube of red bricks designed by the renowned architect Werner Tscholl.
PUNI is more than just the first distillery in Italy. At Glurns is not imitated the aesthetic and the Scottish production, but there is created an unique masterpiece which connect the aesthetic and the pleasure, tradition and innovation, Scotland and South Tyrol.
Whisky of South Tyrol

The casks with the alcoholic drink are stored in underground bunkers of the Second World War. The three qualities produced are stored in casks of bourbon from the US, those of Marsala from Sicily and barrels of wine of South Tyrol.
2015 Whisky fans around the world are invited to taste the precious Single Malts of PUNI, which, according to Scottish tradition, is called Whisky.
The location on the "Highlands" Alta Val Venosta, is a strategic choice of PUNI. The Whisky is produced from pure glacier water and rye from farms in the area.
The experts wait curiously that the young Single Malt ripe to become a Whisky rich of flavors. Because the best Whisky, the Scots tell, is that which you are drinking right now.